Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Papercraft Objects: Digital Sample

 Originally I was planning on creating a few different prototypes of objects that I wanted to create, but realizing how big the one I first decided on was, I decided just to go with that one. Here is my rhino design for a recreation of the Great Deku Tree. It is one of the first Legend Of Zelda characters I was introduced to within the first Zelda game I ever played, and therefore became the most memorable for me. he is the guardian of the woods and known for being very wise- after all he is really, really old. 

The model is a sort of cross between a couple versions of the great deck tree, because I wanted to personalize it. (Do to time constraints and workload, I didn't give myself enough time to add line differences for cut/score lines), but it still worked out well.

The Great Deku Tree, For Reference

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Papercraft Object: Prototype

Here is my first attempt at building the creation I made previously in Rhino, The Great Deku Tree. As a side note I opted out of adding the ...