Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Papercraft Object: Prototype

Here is my first attempt at building the creation I made previously in Rhino, The Great Deku Tree. As a side note I opted out of adding the mouth/moustache because I ended up making them much too small, and couldn't get them to a size good enough for crafting accurately as well as looking decent once on the sculpture.

Notes I made while and after building for Improvement on the Object:
-Make Trunk and top branches larger in order to better support bunches of leaves (Won't be crooked)
-Turn bottom roots into one piece to make crafting easier, and so that they are lined up with the ground (not raised)
- Make the cover under the leaves that are holding all of the pieces together larger so that it completely covers the bottom of them
-Remove some of the tabs on branches for easier assembly
-Reduce tab size on smaller pieces

Overall, I would call this project a success and am very pleased with the outcome. With the tweaks mentioned I think the project outcome will be exactly how I wanted it to turn out. Three cheers for the forests of Hyrule!

1 comment:

  1. I like the direction you are taking your work. Glad to be following your blog and keen to see what you do next. 👍👍


Papercraft Object: Prototype

Here is my first attempt at building the creation I made previously in Rhino, The Great Deku Tree. As a side note I opted out of adding the ...