Thursday, February 4, 2021

Mesh Mashup- Selection and Refinement

After our breakout room critiques, I decided to go with my "human" roller skates. the original concept was taking man made into the most literal form, creating an object that is made by people, and making it out of people. the main idea I wanted to build on for my refinement was how unsettling the skates become the more realistic that they are. I decided to try and make it more human-like.

Original Idea


suggestions that were brainstormed for this strange creation included turning the laces into hair, adding ridges to the tongue, and my favourite making the skin of the boot looked like it was stitched together in order to form the shape of the boot. along with that I added a reddish tint to the eyes to make them look somewhat bloodshot. overall, I just wanted to make it as creepy as possible.

Some simple additions were made, meant to create some extra unease, as the original build was but more intense.

Items From Thingiverse


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